
We are the students from the Philippine Science High School, Main Campus. Our objectives are plain and simple, to open each and everyone's eyes to the deteriorating condition of the water bodies surrounding us, and to introduce choices to all of you, so that you would know where to start, and how to act simply, but efficiently, on this mounting crisis we are now facing.

Expect many readings and posts on this website that will help you understand what we are trying to tell, videos that will guide you, and pictures that will let you visualize. But most of all, expect our outmost and sincere determination in helping you realize what you can do as a single individual of the world to help fight our worries. You'll have choices, you have a choice, and together, we will choose to help save our water!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

High Schooler's Water Cleaner Fights Pollution From Teflon Plant

Published in the November 2007 issue.

Parkersburg, W.Va., is a city of 33,000 on the Ohio River. For decades, a DuPont plant 7 miles upstream has polluted the local waters with ammonium perfluorooctanoate (APFO), a surfactant used to make Teflon. As debate raged about possible health effects, Parkersburg South High School student Kelydra Welcker, now an 18-year-old college freshman, took action. “There was little being done to discover ways to remove this chemical from the environment,” Welcker says. “I knew there had to be a solution, and I wanted to be part of it.”

She devised a simple test for the presence of the chemical in water, which involved measuring the foam on a shaken sample of boiled water. Then, using hand-me-down chemistry equipment in a makeshift lab set up in a trailer behind her house, Welcker developed a way to remove APFO from water by combining granular activated carbon, the stuff that cleans fish tanks, and electrosorption, which draws remaining APFO ions to a pair of electrodes. She has made a desktop unit for treating small quantities of domestic drinking water, and she hopes the local utility company—with assistance from DuPont—will scale up her technique to treat water on a community-wide basis.

“I hope people understand that science isn’t just people in white lab coats speaking gibberish,” says Welcker, who has been winning science awards since she was 13. “Scientists are real people who want to make a positive impact on their world.”

When people step forward to help..

This is from National Geographic under their Environment Videos.

Coastal Cleanup - Each year, hundreds of thousands of volunteers gather to clean up coastlines around the world.

Alabama Public Television: Learn Something New Everyday

This site is very useful for you to visualize concepts that we presented in our older posts. They provide videos and written explanations of their activities/experiments.

Here are some of their activities:

1. Where's the water?
2. Water Pollution
3. Bottled vs Tap, which tastes better?
4. Water Supply and Demand

Friday, February 27, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Info 001

Just a related topic...

Remember the melamine food issue?
I remember this morning show in a local channel around November. The hosts and guest artists were joined by doctors Lisa and Ong and the BFAD director Leticia Gutierrez. According to Dr. Ong, drinking 12 glasses of water daily can actually can avoid melamine-affected products. Dry foods are also better than the wet food, since the wet ones usually spoil much easily like mayonnaise, yoghurt and sauces.